Site Reviews WordPress 插件

Site Reviews WordPress 插件


Site Reviews allows your visitors to submit reviews with a 1-5 star rating on your website, similar to the way you would on TripAdvisor or Yelp. The plugin provides blocks, shortcodes, and widgets, along with full documentation.

You can pin your best reviews so that they are always shown first, require approval before new review submissions are published, require visitors to be logged-in in order to write a review, send custom notifications on a new submission, and a lot more!

Site Reviews integrates with Woocommerce with the free Woocommerce Reviews add-on.

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Current Features

  • Actively Developed and Supported
  • Asian Language Support for Excerpts
  • Assign Reviews to Categories: Add your own categories and assign reviews to them.
  • Assign Reviews to Pages: Assign reviews to Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types like Woocommerce Products.
  • Assign Reviews to Users: Assign reviews to Users on your website.
  • Avatars: Provided by the WordPress Gravatar service
  • Backup and Restore: Export/Import your settings and custom text strings, and use the WordPress Export and Import tools to backup your reviews.
  • Bayesian Ranking: Easily sort pages with assigned reviews by rank (using the bayesian algorithm) in your custom WP_Query
  • Blacklist: Block review submissions which contain specific words, phrases, IP addresses, names, and emails
  • Developer Friendly: Designed for WordPress developers with over 100 hooks and convenient functions
  • Documentation: FAQ and documenation for hooks and all shortcodes and functions
  • Editor Blocks: Use the custom editor blocks in the Gutenberg editor
  • Elementor Support: Use the native Elementor Widgets in the Elementor editor
  • Form Styles: Match the review form with popular themes and form plugins
  • GamiPress Integration: Award points when someone writes or receives a review. For more advanced GamiPress triggers, check out the GamiPress Reviews add-on!
  • Import Third-Party Reviews: Includes a built-in CSV importer
  • JSON-LD Schema: Display your reviews and ratings in search results
  • Members Only: Require users to be logged in before submitting a review
  • Multilingual Support: Integrates with Polylang and WPML allowing you to assign reviews to all languages of a multilingual page (note: translating reviews is not supported)
  • Multisite Support: Fully supports network/multisite websites
  • Notifications: Send notifications to one or more emails when a review is submitted
  • Pagination: Display a set number of reviews per-page with AJAX
  • Premium Support: Free premium-level support included on the support forum
  • Privacy: Integrates with the WordPress privacy tools
  • Rating Summaries: Display a summary of your review ratings from high to low.
  • Relative Dates: You decide the date format that is displayed in your reviews
  • Responses: Write responses to your reviews
  • REST API: Access your reviews from remote websites and applications using the API.
  • Restrictions: Require approval before publishing reviews and limit review submissions by email address, IP address, or username
  • Shortcodes: Configurable shortcodes complete with full documentation
  • Slack Integration: Receive notifications in Slack when a review is submitted
  • SPAM Protection: Includes 5 layers of protection from spam! Built-in Honeypot, 4 CAPTCHA options (FriendlyCaptcha, hCaptcha, reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible, and reCAPTCHA v3), Akismet, Blacklist, and Review limits
  • Templates: Use the Site Reviews templates in your theme for full control over the HTML
  • Translations: Easily change any text of the plugin to your own
  • Widgets: Use the configurable widgets in your sidebars.

Site Reviews Add-ons

Site Reviews provides a ton of absolutely free features, possibly more than any other review plugin. But when those features are not enough, Site Reviews provides additional features through add-ons. Current add-ons include:

  • Review Filters (premium): Sort, filter, and search your reviews.
  • Review Forms (premium): Create custom review forms with over 20 field types and individual review templates.
  • Review Images (premium): Add images with captions to your reviews.
  • Review Notifications (premium): Create and schedule custom review notifications with conditions.
  • Review Themes (premium): Create custom review designs with a drag-and-drop builder.
  • GamiPress Reviews (premium): Integrate Site Reviews with GamiPress and award people for writing and receiving reviews.
  • Woocommerce Reviews (free): Integrate Site Reviews with your Woocommerce products.

Site Reviews Premium

Site Reviews Premium provides access to all of our free and premium add-ons, and automatically includes access to future add-ons as they are released.


Images adapted from freepik.



2024-09-08 08:33:02
