Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager WordPress 插件

Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager WordPress 插件


Facebook Pixel For WordPress Made Easy

Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager (formerly known as “Facebook Conversion Pixel”) lets you add a Facebook Pixel to your site in a matter of minutes.
From Facebook Retargeting to conversion tracking, this free plugin makes setting up your Facebook Pixel a breeze.

Run Better Facebook Ad Campaigns

Using Pixel Cat, you can track Facebook Conversions and build powerful retargeting audiences.

Track Facebook Conversions

Send conversion events (including the exact amount and currency) to Facebook, so you can track, improve and automatically optimize your ad campaigns.

Build Powerful Retargeting Audiences

Pixel Cat lets you send granular events (blog posts read, products viewed, …) to Facebook, so you can build insanely effective retargeting audiences.

Upgrading from the Old Facebook Conversion pixel?

This plugin used to be called Facebook Conversion Pixel and was updated to work with the new Facebook Pixel. Facebook has deprecated the old Facebook Conversion Pixel in favor of the new pixel, so we highly recommend migrating.
Wondering how to migrate from the old Facebook Conversion Pixel to the new Facebook Pixel? Read this blog post:
How to Migrate to the new Facebook Pixel

How Pixel Cat helps you run better ads

Our Facebook Pixel manager – Pixel Cat – comes with everything you need to run successful Facebook ads. This plugin lets you easily add the new Facebook Pixel to your WordPress site with ease, so you can track conversions and create retargeting audiences.

>> For more details & screnshots, head over to our website <<

  • Create Standard Events. Standard Events let you track conversions, optimize your ads and build retargeting audiences. Pixel Cat’s point & click builder makes the cumbersome process of setting up Standard Events easy.
  • Customize Pixel Event Parameters, so you can track ad ROI. Customize your Facebook Pixel event parameters (eg. price, currency, …) on with our easy interface.
  • Segment Visitors By Pages Viewed. Trigger Facebook Pixel Events & set up Custom Audiences based on which Pages, Posts, Categories and/or Tags your visitors have viewed.
  • Powerful Facebook Pixel Event Builder. Our easy-to-use, powerful Facebook Pixel WordPress event builder includes everything you need, without touching a line of code.
  • Search event. Automatically track searches on your WordPress site.
  • Exclude Team Members. Make sure you don’t pollute your Pixel data by excluding members of your team. You can exclude specific WordPress user levels, such as Admins, Editors & Contributors.
  • No Coding Required. Our 1-click setup takes the pain out of setting up the Facebook Pixel for WordPress, no coding required.
  • Completely Free. Pixel Cat Lite is completely free, and includes everything you need to get started with the Facebook Pixel. Experienced advertiser? We also offer a powerful paid version that will help you boost your Ad ROI.

>> For more details & screnshots, head over to our website <<

Advanced Advertiser? Build Better, More Profitable Ad Campaigns With Pixel Cat Premium

Pixel Cat Lite has everything you need to get started, but Pixel Cat Premium lets you take your ads to the next level.

In addition to supporting Standard Events, you’ll be able to set up Custom Events & Dynamic Events.

Dynamic Events – a key part of many advanced Facebook marketer’s toolkits – are insanely effective. These events trigger based on user behavior, such as time on site, or specific buttons or links clicked. Using this information, you’ll be able to exclude bouncing visitors, build better Custom Audiences and ultimately boost your Ad ROI.

  • Trigger Dynamic Events. Pixel Cat lets you build insanely powerful dynamic Facebook pixel events for WordPress. Create Custom Audiences based on which links & buttons visitors click.
  • Exclude Bouncing Visitors. Using our Time delay setting, you can exclude bouncing visitors by only firing a Facebook Pixel event after your visitor has spent some time on your site.
  • Track Valuable User Info. Automatically send HTTP referrer, post categories, post tags and even Google Analytics UTM tags as event parameters, so you can build more effective custom audiences.
  • Create Custom Events. Want to create your own custom events, so you can track behavior on your site more accurately? Building custom events is a breeze with Pixel Cat.
  • Phenomenal Email Support. Need help? You’re in great hands – our fast & friendly support team is ready to help.
  • WooCommerce integration. Personalize your Facebook ads without doing manual work, and retarget shoppers to complete the sale. Using Pixel Cat’s WooCommerce Event Tracking and WooCommerce Product Feed features you’ll be able to create highly effective Dynamic Product Ads & Custom Audiences.
  • Easy Digital Downloads integration. Set up the Facebook Pixel for Easy Digital Downloads with a single click. Personalize your ads, retarget prospects and grow your sales. Using Pixel Cat’s Easy Digital Downloads Event Tracking and Easy Digital Downloads Product Feed features you’ll be creating Dynamic Product Ads & Custom Audiences in minutes.

>> Learn more about Pixel Cat Premium here <<

Why use Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager?

There are multiple ways to add a Facebook Pixel to your WordPress site.

1. Pasting your Facebook Pixel into your theme
This approach isn’t great for two reasons:
a) If you edit your live site and make a mistake when pasting your Facebook Pixel script into your theme, you could take down your website.
b) If your theme is updated with new features or security fixes, your Facebook Pixel code will be overwritten.

2. Pasting the new Facebook Pixel script into a header/footer script plugin
This is a valid approach, but has some disadvantages. General purposes “header script plugins” aren’t built from the ground-up to support Facebook’s Pixel.

What this means is that :
a) These plugins lack Facebook-specific functionality. There’s no easy way to add Standard Events, Custom Events or Dynamic Events.
b) These plugins will not adapt if Facebook changes their pixel again in the future. Since Pixel Cat is a dedicated Facebook Pixel plugin, we’ll make sure make sure to stay compatible with future changes by Facebook.
c) These plugins usually don’t support hiding your Facebook Pixel from logged-in users.

And, most importantly: with Pixel Cat you can set up Facebook Pixel standard events, without having to write a single line of code.

The bottom line is that Pixel Cat is the best way to add a Facebook Pixel to your WordPress site.

Does Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager support the new Facebook Pixel?

Yes. Pixel Cat is built from the ground up to support the new Facebook Pixel.

If you’re currently using v1.3.5, or later, for the old deprecated Facebook Pixel, and would like to continue doing so, no worries. Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager will automatically detect your old settings, and will let you continue using the old version of the plugin for this purpose. You can then upgrade to the new pixel at any time.

Can I hide my Facebook Pixel form logged in users?

Yes. You can hide your Facebook Pixels from logged in users by going to Settings -> Facebook Pixel Manager.

Is Pixel Cat – Conversion Pixel Manager easy to translate?

Yes. Pixel Cat – Facebook Pixel Cat is fully translateable. Please let us know if you’re interested in contributing.

Do you integrate with WooCommerce

Yes, our our pro plugin makes setting up a Facebook Pixel WooCommerce integration a breeze. Not only that, Pixel Cat Premium lets you create a Facebook Product Catalog for WooCommerce. Click here to learn more.

What is a Facebook Pixel and how does it help my business?

Please read this guide: Facebook Pixel WordPress Installation & Best Practices: The Definitive Guide. Selling on Amazon? Read this.

—The Fatcat Apps Team



2024-09-18 01:52:54
