SEO Ultimate WordPress 插件

SEO Ultimate WordPress 插件


From the Creators of SEO Ultimate

Premium Support Now Available

The SEO Design Solutions team does not provide support for SEO Ultimate on the WordPress forums. However, dedicated one on one email support is available when you upgrade to SEO Ultimate+. The premium version of SEO Ultimate also has exclusive new features, detailed training videos and custom revisions not available in the free version.

You should also check out the SEO Design Framework (a drag and drop, multipurpose WordPress theme) created as the perfect companion for SEO Ultimate+.

Recent Releases

  • Version 7.6 adds Deeplink Juggernaut autolink dampening
  • Version 7.5 adds support for Twitter Cards,, and place snippets
  • Version 7.4 adds the Author Highlighter module
  • Version 7.3 adds the Open Graph Integrator module
  • Version 7.2 updates Permalink Tweaker


SEO Ultimate is an all-in-one SEO plugin with these powerful features:

  • Title Tag Rewriter

    • Out-of-the-box functionality puts your post titles at the beginning of the <title> tag for improved keyword SEO.
    • Easily override the entire <title> tag contents for any individual post, page, attachment, category, post tag, or post format archive on your blog. Also supports custom post types and custom taxonomies.
    • Customize your homepage’s <title> tag.
    • Format the <title> tags of posts, pages, categories, tags, archives, search results, and more!
    • Choose between two rewrite methods: “output buffering” or “filtering”
  • Meta Description Editor

    • Edit the <meta> description tags for posts, pages, attachments, categories, tags, post format archives, and the homepage.
    • Increase SERP clickthrough rates by influencing search engine result snippets.
    • Mass-editor makes it a cinch to go back and add descriptions to old posts.
    • Use the {excerpt::autogen} variable to auto-generate meta descriptions if desired.
  • Deeplink Juggernaut

    • Use the power of anchor text to boost your internal ranking SEO paradigm.
    • Searches your site’s content for anchor texts you specify and automatically links them to a destination of your choosing. Lets you easily build internal links to URLs, posts, pages, attachments, custom post type items, categories, terms, post format archives, and custom taxonomy term archives.
    • Customize footer links for your entire site and/or on a page-by-page basis.
    • Easily select autolink destinations using autocomplete textboxes that scour your site’s content and taxonomy terms to find the link destination you’re looking for.
    • Autolinks point to the objects themselves, not to their URLs, so if you change the URL of a post or category on your site, the autolinks automatically adjust.
    • Avoid over-optimization penalties by controlling the maximum number of autolinks added to each post/page, the maximum number of times an anchor is linked per post/page, and/or the maximum number of times a post/page can link to the same destination.
    • Reduce autolink frequency by a given percentage (globally or per-link) with the frequency dampener feature. (Useful for large sites.)
    • Choose whether or not posts can link to themselves and/or to the current URL with a few simple checkboxes.
    • Apply the nofollow attribute on a per-link basis. (Perfect for automatic affiliate links.)
    • Exclude specific posts/pages from having links added to them, if desired (e.g. contact pages, the homepage, etc.).
    • Import/export your links as CSV files.
    • Create links pointing to draft posts that will auto-enable when the post is published!
    • Build internal links to your posts from within the WordPress post editor! Use “Instant Post Propulsion” technology to automatically link your old posts to new ones.
    • Lets you enable “Silo Linking” mode so that posts only link to other posts in the same category.
  • Open Graph Integrator

    • Out-of-the-box functionality autogenerates Open Graph data for your homepage, posts, pages, attachments, custom post type objects, and user profile pages.
    • Fine-grained controls allow you to customize the Open Graph title, image, and content type for every single post, page, attachment, and custom post type object on your site.
    • Mass-editors let you specify Open Graph data for multiple posts and pages at a time.
    • Includes support for summary-style and photo-style Twitter Cards.
    • Lets you fix the official Facebook/Twitter HTML so that it validates as XHTML or HTML5.
  • Rich Snippet Creator

    • Easily add rich snippet code for reviews and places.
    • Attract more search traffic with eye-catching supplementary SERP data.
    • Supports the new format used by Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Yandex.
  • Author Highlighter

    • Generates code so that when one of your site’s posts appears in Google search results, the Google+ profile picture of the post’s author will appear alongside it.
    • Includes support for both single-author and multi-author site setups.
    • Supports author highlighting for posts, pages, attachments, custom post types, the homepage, archive pages, and author pages.
    • Inserts a “Google+ Profile URL” field on the WordPress user profile editor, so that users can insert their Google+ URL and enable author highlighting on their posts.
  • Link Mask Generator

    • Generate robots.txt-blocked “link masks” (e.g. that pass-through to an external URL.
    • Mask links on a per-link, per-post basis so you can exert fine-tuned control over your posts’ linkflow.
    • Create global link masks that apply across your entire site.
    • Change /go/ to a directory of your choosing.
    • Link masks provide a modern replacement for the deprecated, nofollow-based “PageRank Sculpting” technique.
    • Perfect for affiliate marketers and SEO-savvy bloggers.
  • Canonicalizer

    • Point search engines to preferred content access points with <link rel="canonical" /> head tags and/or Link: <url>; rel="canonical" HTTP headers.
    • Go beyond WordPress’s basic canonical tag functionality with SEO Ultimate’s support for category/tag/date/author archives.
    • Redirect requests for non-existent pagination with a simple checkbox.
  • 404 Monitor

    • Improve the visiting experience of users and spiders by keeping tabs on “page not found” errors. (Use a redirection plugin to point dead-end URLs to your content.)
    • Find out what URLs are referring visitors to 404 errors.
    • The default settings hone in on the most important errors by only logging 404s that either have a referring URL or are generated by a search engine spider.
    • If desired, ignore 404s generated from specific URLs or wildcard URL patterns.
  • Permalink Tweaker

    • Lets you remove the permalink base for categories, tags, and/or custom taxonomies.
    • For example, enable category base removal to convert into, and then pair that with a /%category%/%postname%/ permalink to enable some serious SEO siloing action.
    • The “URL Conflict Resolution” setting lets you arbitrate between pages/terms when taxonomy base removal causes their URLs to conflict
  • Meta Robot Tags Editor

    • Add the <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" /> tag to archives, comment feeds, the login page, and more.
    • Set meta robots tags (index/noindex and follow/nofollow) for each individual post, page, category, tag, and post type archive on your blog. Also supports custom post types and custom taxonomies.
    • Avoid duplicate content SEO issues with the recommended noindex settings (see built-in module documentation for details).
    • Give instructions to search engine spiders if desired (noodp, noydir, and noarchive).
  • SEO Ultimate Widgets

    • Lets you output your Deeplink Juggernaut Footer Links in a widget.
    • The Siloed Categories widget makes it drag-and-drop-easy to construct siloed navigation on your site.
  • Plugin Settings Manager (located under Settings > SEO Ultimate)

    • Export your SEO Ultimate settings to a file and re-import later if desired.
    • Use the export/import functionality to move SEO Ultimate settings between WordPress sites.
    • Reset all settings back to “factory defaults” if something goes wrong.
  • And much more…

    • Code Inserter: Easily insert SEO/SEM-enhancing custom HTML into your site’s <head> tag, footer, or item content. Code remains even when switching themes.
    • File Editor: Implement advanced SEO strategies with the .htaccess editor, and give instructions to search engines via the robots.txt editor.
    • Linkbox Inserter: Encourage natural linkbuilding activity by adding textboxes to the end of your posts/pages that contain automatically-generated link HTML.
    • Meta Keywords Editor: Auto-generate and edit <meta> keywords for posts, pages, categories, tags, terms, and the homepage.
    • More Link Customizer: Optimize your posts’ “read more” links by including the posts’ keyword-rich titles in the anchor text.
    • Nofollow Manager: Lets you maintain rel="nofollow" settings when migrating from other SEO plugins
    • Settings Monitor: Keep tabs on the SEO-friendliness of your site’s settings with a dashboard of green/yellow/red indicators.
    • Sharing Facilitator: Adds buttons that make it easy for visitors to share your content on social networking sites (thus building links to your site).
    • Slug Optimizer: Increase in-URL keyword potency by removing customizeable “filler words” (like “the,” “with,” “and,” etc.) from post/page URLs.
    • Webmaster Verification Assistant: Enter verification codes in the provided fields to access search engine webmaster tools.
  • Additional features

    • Features a clean, aesthetically-pleasing interface, with no donation nags.
    • Cleanly integrates into the admin interface with minimal branding.
    • Includes seamlessly-integrated documentation, accessible via the “Help” dropdown in the upper-right-hand corner of the admin screen. In-depth info, explanations, and FAQs are just a click away.
    • Lets you import post meta from All in One SEO Pack.
    • Lets you downgrade to the previous version of the plugin in case an upgrade goes awry.
    • Displays admin notices if WordPress settings are configured to discourage search engines.
    • Supports WordPress plugin translation. POT file is included in the zip file.
    • Includes an uninstaller that can delete the plugin’s files and database entries if desired.

Download your free copy of SEO Ultimate today.



2024-09-18 20:28:48
