WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post WordPress 插件

WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post WordPress 插件


Welcome to WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post!

This plugin automatically redirect 404 pages to similar posts based on Title, Post Types & Taxonomies. If nothing similar is found, visitors will be redirected to the homepage or a custom URL.


  • Automatically detect any 404.
  • Automatically search a similar post based on multiple factors:
    • Title
    • Potential Post Type
    • Potential Taxonomy
  • If nothing similar is found, set your Fallback Behavior:
    • Redirect to homepage
    • Redirect to a custom URL
    • Display the default 404 page
  • Choose the redirection HTTP header status:
    • 301 headers
    • 302 headers
  • Exclude Post Types from possible redirections.
  • Exclude Taxonomies from possible redirections.
  • Exclude Posts based on a custom post meta.
  • Exclude Terms based on a custom term meta.
  • Display the Debug Console instead of being redirected (Admin).
  • Preview possible redirection from the administration panel.

*New* Features:

  • Expose ‘WP-404-Auto-Redirect’ headers on 404 pages. (Admin).
  • Log redirections in the /wp-content/debug.log file.
  • Create your own search engines logic.
  • Create your own search engines groups & fire sequence.

*New* Engines & Groups:

WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post 1.0 introduces the concept of engines and groups which let you customize your own searching & matching logic. The plugin comes with 5 engines and 1 default group out of the box!

Default Group Engines:

  1. Fix URL
    Find and fix common URL mistakes.

  2. Direct Match
    Search for a Post that perfectly match keywords.

  3. Search Post
    Search for a similar Post.

  4. Search Term
    Search for a similar Term.

  5. Search Post: Fallback
    If a Post Type is set in the WP Query, redirect to the Post Type Archive.

But Also:

  • Easy to Install / Uninstall.
  • No useless data saved in Database.
  • Blazing Fast Performance.


WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post is 100% compatible with all popular manual redirection plugins:

  • Redirection
  • Simple 301 Redirects
  • Yoast Redirections
  • etc…

If you use one of them, but missed a manual redirection and a 404 is about to be displayed, WP 404 Auto Redirect to Similar Post will cover you.


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2024-09-07 18:55:35
