Jetpack Boost – Website Speed, Performance and Critical CSS WordPress 插件

Jetpack Boost – Website Speed, Performance and Critical CSS WordPress 插件


Speed up your WordPress site by optimizing page performance with Jetpack Boost. Easily activate one-click optimizations to boost your Core Web Vitals.

Did you know that a faster website:-

  • Ranks higher on Google.
  • Improves bounce rate (people stay on your site for longer).
  • Increases your conversion rate.

Increase your website performance and speed up your website with one-click optimizations that supercharge your WordPress site’s performance and improve core web vitals scores for better search engine listings.

Improving Core Web Vitals helps you rank higher on Google. A faster website also improves your SEO, helps you reduce your bounce rate and increase your ecommerce conversion rate.

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures loading performance. Improve your LCP and improve your website loading speed.
  • First Input Delay (FID): Measures interactivity. To improve user experience pages should have a low FID.
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures visual stability. Lowering your CLS helps improve your user experience.

Performance Modules

Optimise your website with the same techniques used on the world’s most successful websites.

Each technique that is used to increase website performance is packaged up as a module that you can activate and try out.

Currently, the plugin has 3 performance modules available:

  1. Optimize CSS Loading generates Critical CSS for your homepage, posts and pages. This can allow your content to show up on the screen much faster, particularly for viewers using mobile devices.

    Read more about critical CSS generation at

  2. Defer Non-Essential Javascript moves some tasks to after the page loads, so that important visual information can be seen sooner and your website loads quicker.

    Read more about deferring javascript at

  3. Lazy Image Loading only loads the images the user can see. As the user scrolls, images are loaded just before they show up on the page. This simple optimization makes websites faster and saves bandwidth for your host and your customers.

    Read more about lazy image loading at

    Google PageSpeed API is used to measure the performance score of a site. It’s important to look at the Page Speed score because Core Web Vitals are going to be used as a ranking factor in search engines which means improving your SERP listing and increase your website visitors.

Don’t want to have to manually generate your critical CSS each time you update your site? Let us do the heavy lifting for you with automated critical CSS – each time you update your site we will automatically regenerate your critical CSS and update your performance scores. Upgrading also gives you dedicated email support access.

With ? by Jetpack

This is just the start!

We are working hard to bring more features and improvements to Jetpack Boost. Let us know your thoughts and ideas!

We’d also like to give a special THANK YOU to the XWP team who provided help with initial research and scoping of the plugin and were engaged with our team throughout the project.



2024-09-08 10:17:55
