Best WordPress Gallery Plugin – FooGallery WordPress 插件

Best WordPress Gallery Plugin – FooGallery WordPress 插件


WordPress Gallery Plugin

Make galleries in WordPress great again with FooGallery! Add a stunning gallery to your website in under 1 minute using our beautiful pre-built templates, or if you want more control, then take advantage of all our advanced settings to customsize your galleries to look exactly the way you want.

FooGallery is an easy-to-use image gallery plugin, with stunning pre-built gallery layouts and a focus on performance and SEO.
It is also responsive, retina-ready and supports lazy loading for lightning fast photo galleries.

Live previews are available while creating an image gallery, and also within the Gutenberg block editor with our FooGallery Block.

FooGallery was built to be highly configurable and extendable for developers or freelancers.

That is why we think FooGallery is the best WordPress gallery plugin. After using it, we hope you will agree.

Visit the FooGallery Homepage

Performance Updates for Google’s Core Web Vitals

A faster gallery now means a more favourable ranking in Google!
FooGallery has been specifically optimized to score better for Google’s Core Web Vitals update in 2021.
We have focused on the speed of our javascript code, and also improved the visual stability of all gallery layouts.
This has led to dramatically better scores for the 3 key lighthouse factors including:

  • Largest Contentful Paint – galleries load and appear quicker for your visitors
  • First Input Delay – you can interact with the gallery sooner
  • Cumulative Layout Shift – gallery images shift around a lot less than before!

WordPress Gallery Plugin Features

The following free features make FooGallery the best gallery plugin on the market!

  • 7 Beautiful Image Gallery templates
    • Responsive Image Gallery – demo
    • Image Viewer Gallery – demo
    • Masonry Gallery – demo
    • Simple Portfolio – demo
    • Justified Gallery – demo
    • Single Thumbnail Gallery – demo
    • Carousel Gallery – demo
  • Easy to customize!
    • Adjust thumbnail size, spacing & alignment
    • Adjust border size, rounded corners, drop shadows, inner shadows
    • Choose from a selection of loading icons
    • Animated loaded effects – demo
    • Awesome hover effects – adjust colors, scaling and icons
    • Complete control over captions
  • Focus on Performance
    • Lazy Loading options
    • Simple pagination demo
    • Optimized code
    • Reduced content layout shift
  • Focus on SEO
    • ALT and title attributes on all images
    • Yoast SEO sitemap integration
    • Rank Math SEO sitemap integration
    • AIOSEO sitemap integration
  • Albums built-in! (just activate the albums feature)
    • Responsive album layout – demo
    • All-in-one Stack album – demo
  • Import / Export galleries between WP installs – docs
  • Gutenberg ready (Gallery previews inside the new editor!)
  • Live previews as you make changes!
  • Retina thumbnail support
  • Gallery Widget
  • Use built-in media library to manage images
  • Drag n Drop reordering of images and galleries
  • Custom CSS for both galleries and albums
  • Copy to clipboard shortcodes
  • One-click gallery page creation
  • NextGen importer tool (albums and galleries and shortcodes)
  • Multisite Support

PRO Gallery Features

There are 3 PRO plans available, that will work with any budget:

PRO Starter | PRO Expert | PRO Commerce

PRO Starter Features

  • 3 more beautiful PRO responsive gallery templates:
    • Polaroid gallery template – demo
    • Grid gallery template – demo
    • Slider gallery template – demo
  • PRO image and media lightbox built in! demo
  • 11 beautiful hover effect presets – demo
  • 12 CSS thumbnail filters (Instagram) – demo

PRO Expert Features

  • Video Support – demo
    • Import video from Youtube, Vimeo and others
    • Self-hosted videos
  • Filtering
    • Add filters using Media Tags or Categories – demo
    • Multi-level filtering for galleries demo
    • Bulk media tags and category management for attachments
  • Dynamic Galleries (load images from other sources):
    • Load from a folder on the server docs
    • Load from a collection from Adobe Lightroom (using WP/LR Sync) docs
    • Load all attachments with Media Tags docs
    • Load all attachments with Media Categories docs
    • Load from a folder in Real Media Library docs
    • Load featured images from a post/page/custom post type – demo
  • Advanced Pagination
    • Numbered pagination – demo
    • “Load More” pagination – demo
    • Infinite scroll image gallery – demo
  • Advanced Custom Captions – demo
  • EXIF metadata gallery – demo
  • Bulk Copy Gallery Settings – more info
  • Deeplinking support for pages and filters

PRO Commerce Features

  • Image Protection
    • Photo watermarking – demo
    • No right-click protection – demo
  • Deep WooCommerce integration – demo
    • Create a dynamic gallery from your WooCommerce products in seconds!
    • Filter using WooCommerce product categories
    • Show sales ribbons for products on sale
    • Add-to-cart buttons on thumbnails
    • Support for product variations
    • Show product details (including variations) in Lightbox
  • Sell your images online – demo
    • Link all your gallery items to a single master product
    • Supports variations
  • Master Galleries
    • Set a gallery as a master and then all galleries who use that master will inherit all settings from the master – docs
  • White Labeling
    • Rebrand FooGallery to whatever you like for your clients. Ideal for freelancers and agencies. docs

See More Demos

Test Drive

Take FooGallery for a test drive! Spin up your very own WP instance with FooGallery pre-installed:

Start FooGallery Test Drive!


  • FooGallery Documentation


FooGallery includes a really simple-to-use Gutenberg block to add your existing FooGallery image galleries in seconds. And it includes live previews of the image gallery too!


When you install FooGallery for the first time, the plugin asks you (the website admin) to opt-in so that we can track your usage of the plugin and provide a better service (send you update emails for new version releases and security updates etc). This is optional and not required in order to use the plugin.

From your website point of view, FooGallery never collects or stores any visitor information at all, when someone visits your website.

PHP 8 Compatible

FooGallery has been tried and tested on servers running up to PHP 8

Retina Support

FooGallery is a responsive gallery with built-in support for higher quality thumbnails on retina-enabled displays. No more blurry thumbnails, just crisp thumbnails so that your image galleries look amazing on all devices.

Video Gallery

FooGallery PRO Expert allows you to create a video gallery in seconds! Import from YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, TED and Dailymotion, or import a self-hosted video from any online source (eg. S3 bucket).
You can also easily create mixed galleries with both images and videos!


Sell your photographs online with our full WooCommerce integration, available in PRO Commerce. You can either create a dyanmic gallery from your existing products, or you can sell images in a gallery by linking them to a single master product. With full support for variations. Highlight products for sale with ribbons. Add call-to-action buttons to your items, for example AJAX Add to Cart buttons.

Albums Built In

Albums are built in as an feature. Simply head over to the Features page and activate the albums feature. A new menu item will appear that allows you to add albums just as easily as galleries.

Built For Developers

FooGallery was designed to be the most developer-friendly image gallery plugin available for WordPress. It was also built on top of a solid extension framework, which means different functionality is separated out into different areas in the codebase. It also means the core plugin is lightweight, but still allowing for the most flexibility.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Fortinet FortiGuard Labs for the security testing conducted on the plugin. FooGallery is a safer plugin thanks to them.

Best WordPress Gallery Plugin

We did the research. FooGallery has the best performance and has the most features out of any free WordPress gallery plugin. Read our blog post about it:

What is the Best WordPress Gallery Plugin?



2024-09-18 11:24:58
