Contact Form Plugin – Fastest Contact Form Builder Plugin for WordPress by Fluent Forms WordPress 插件

Contact Form Plugin – Fastest Contact Form Builder Plugin for WordPress by Fluent Forms WordPress 插件


The Best and Fastest Contact Form Builder Plugin by Fluent Forms

Fluent Forms is the ultimate user-friendly, customizable drag-and-drop WordPress Contact Form Plugin that offers you all the premium features, plus many more completely unique additional features. A perfect WordPress Form builder plugin should be developed in a way, so that you don’t have to code every time you need to integrate a form in your website, but can be set up in minutes. And that’s why, we have developed Fluent Forms for you.

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Fluent Forms helps you create hassle-free contact forms, subscription forms, or any kind of WP Forms you need for your website in minutes.

Amazing Features

  • Conversational Forms and Classic Form Builder
  • Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder
  • Multi-column Contact Form Layout
  • Smart Conditional Logic Form Fields
  • Conditional Confirmation Messages
  • Build 100% Responsive and Mobile Friendly Web Forms and Contact Forms.
  • Reusable Templates for All kind of Forms including many contact forms.
  • Spam Protection with Google Recaptcha for your contact forms.
  • Placeholder Customization for your contact forms.
  • AJAX Submission and Both Client-Side and Server-Side Data Validation for contact forms.
  • Send Beautiful Email to submitter and admin after contact form submission.
  • You can configure what will happen after a contact form submission. You can show a success message, or you can redirect the user to a selected URL.
  • Restrict Your Web Contact Form by user role
  • Show the form only for a time/date range.
  • 30+ Form Field Types to build any Web Forms quickly.
  • In-Depth Analytics where you can see how many times it’s displayed and how many leads were captured from Contact Forms.
  • Set Default Value On Contact Form Fields or you can populate from URL parameters
  • Export/Import Contact Forms
  • Mailchimp Integration – Add Lead/Contact on Mailchimp on form submission
  • Slack Integration – Send Slack notification of Contact Form Submission.
  • Export Data – You can export data as CSV/Exel/ODS or JSON format.
  • Advanced Data Filtering where you can see data by status and also by date range.

What a good contact form builder plugin is if the users can’t use it with ease and the way they want. And deep inside, you know too as well, how important it is to present your audience a website that is designed keeping in mind the audience’s need and necessity first. So in times, you might as well feel like customizing a contact form or subscription form suitable for a specific portion of your audience. And this is where you will find that Fluent Forms is the most powerful and flexible form builder tool developed so far.

And not only that, this form builder is so easy to use, even a complete beginner will be able to create and publish forms in less than 5 minutes! You can easily replace Contact Form 7 with Fluent Forms, since you’ll get more advanced features in an easy interface.

As responsiveness is a must for any online tool these days, Fluent Forms is developed as a 100% mobile responsive contact form builder, so that your forms look great on all kinds of devices (mobiles, tablets, laptops, and desktops).

Here goes a list of all the Premium features you will be enjoying in Fluent Forms:

Super Fast Contact Forms

Fluent Forms is built for speed. It does not slow down your site nor load lots of css & js. A standard form only loads less than 30KB css and js combined, which is the lowest among all the form builders out there. Fluent Forms will outperform a big way if you compare with all the form builders plugin. Most of the form builders plugin loads at least 300KB assets to load a simple form where Fluent Forms load 10% of the average size. Build the fastest contact forms and web forms in minutes.

Conversational Forms

Fluent Forms v4.0 is live, and it’s more powerful than ever! With the most awaited Conversational Forms, the plugin became your no. 1 choice to build next-level WordPress forms.

With Conversational Form Style you can easily build awesome high converting type styled forms easily. It’s completely free.
View Conversational Form Demo
Starting from v4.3.0, Conversational Forms got even more powerful. Now you have full-on keyboard access. With Fluent Forms Pro, you can enjoy more advanced functionalities, such as payment, coupon, file upload, and checkable grid.

Built-in Data Analysis Tool

In version 3.0.0, we have added the most exciting features that no other WordPress form plugins provide, and that is built-in data visualization tool. Using the data visualization module, you can analyze your data from your web and contact forms, analyze the data using a pie-chart, bar chart, tabular view. Using Ninja Tables plugin you can even show the submitted data in the frontend.

Best Contact Form Plugin in WordPress

Fluent Forms is an extremely feature-rich plugin that delivers a beautiful and bright user interface. Everything works with drag-and-drop, which makes creating new forms slightly quicker and more accessible, you will get all the premium components like conditional logics, more than 30 custom fields, 3rd party integrations, built-in entry management system, etc.

Fluent Forms can be used for your regular contact forms, event forms, online forms and any data collection form. You can connect the form data with many 3rd party CRM without writing a single line of code. And the Best thing is this is entirely free, and it always is free and opensource.


Our powerful drag & drop form builder allows you to easily create WordPress contact forms and other online forms in just a few minutes without writing any code. Building forms is now easier for you than writing and drawing it on a piece of paper!


We have all faced the hassle of long forms, filling out which seems like meeting a Dementor from the Harry Potter series that might suck the soul out of you and leave you dead. These “long” forms are often nothing more than just mismanagement of space. Say, you are showing your potential lead a form that has ten input fields in it. Now stacking these 10 fields one after one makes it a long, tedious, and scary form. But if you cleverly stack them 2 or 3 columns, the whole thing looks compact, smart, and not that much scary at all!

This is the most unique feature that helps Fluent Forms stand out from the herd. The Multi-column form layout option is a feature that you won’t even find in the premium form builder plugins! And also if you find any, those will not be as fluent, intuitive and easy to use as our one does.


As of the current user behavior throughout the world, a significant portion of your visitors will be visiting your website with their handheld devices. And you do not want to disappoint them with some disoriented contact form. Keeping that in mind, Fluent Forms was developed to make sure that it satisfies devices of all sizes of display.


Why irritate your users with unnecessary fields that they do not need? Use WP Fluent Form’s Conditional Logic feature to make your forms more efficient and user-friendly. Show and hide specific fields according to users’ behavior so that they do not have to be bothered with unnecessary fields they do not need to fill up. You can show and hide entire sections or steps (in step forms) if you need using WP Fluent Form’s Conditional Logic.

Whereas, in most of the Contact Form Plugins available, this Conditional Logic is a Premium Feature. But in Fluent Forms, you can enjoy this feature in our free version!


Along with Conditional Logics, we have introduced Conditional Confirmations (pro) as well. It allows admins to convey to users customized messages if they do not comply with specific logics, or fail to achieve certain values while filling out forms. For an example, you are looking for a value of equal to or more than 2 in a certain field of your form. But what if they put 0 or 1 in that field? In that case, using a conditional confirmation feature, you can let your users know of what went wrong and how to fix it. Remember, this is an entirely different feature than the usual error messages.


Get notified every time someone fills up a form with entry details. With Fluent Forms, you can also inform your team members every time someone fills up a form and also send back a confirmation email to the new subscriber. Fluent Forms also enables you to automatically send out certain submissions from the email notification process if they fail to comply with specific conditions set by the admin.


Why do the same thing over and over again? Isn’t it madness?
Fluent Forms enables you to reuse the same contact form again and again. You can copy the whole setup with a click and make necessary tweaks in a short time, which will be saving your precious time.


Customizing your subscription forms has never been easier. According to your need, you can create forms with HTML blocks, tooltips, suitable orientations, and custom CSS, etc.

If you are interested in having a peak under the hood and see if it can be made more useful, we have that option too!


You are not installing a form builder plugin to lure in 5-10 subscribers, right? What do you do when thousands of visitors subscribe to your website? You will need a smart system to handle such an influx. That is where Fluent Forms can help you manage things easily. Managing your submitted data has never been easier!

With Fluent Forms, you can organize your submitted entries according to their value and export the whole list with just a click, or you can integrate with slack, Mailchimp, and 16 more.

Form Fields available in Fluent Forms

  • Name Fields
  • Email Address
  • Simple Text
  • Mask Input
  • Text Area / Multiline Texts
  • Address Fields
  • Country List
  • Numeric Field
  • Dropdown / Select
  • Radio Button
  • Check Box Field
  • Multiple Choice / Multi-Select Form Field
  • Website URL
  • Time & Date
  • Custom HTML
  • Hidden Field
  • Section Break
  • Google reCAPTCHA
  • hCaptcha
  • Terms and Conditions
  • GDPR Agreement Field
  • Password Field
  • Custom Submit Button
  • Two Column Container
  • Three Column Container

More Advanced Fields in Pro
– Image Upload
– Phone Field
– File Upload
– Shortcode Field
– Action Hook Field
– Form Step to build multi-step form
– Ratings Form Field
– Checkable Grid
– Range Slider
– Color Picker
– Net Promoter Score
– Repeat Field
– Post/CPT selection field
– Chained Select
– Post Creation Fields
– Payment Field
– Custom Payment
– Item Quantity
– PayPal Payments
– Credit Card Payments Via Stripe
– Accept Payments Via RazorPay
– Accept Payments Via Mollie

Advanced Form Styler (Pro)
Advanced form styler is our most amazing feature of 2019 and we are so much excited about it and I am sure our users will love it. Using this styler, you can easily style every element of a form.
We also added four pre-defined styles template that you can just select and pre-defined css will be added applied realtime. If you choose custom design then the styler will show the style elements based on your form’s available styles and you and you can design the form elements fro the style controls.

Create PDF from Form Submission
Now, You can generate PDF from your templates and download or attach the PDF via email. This feature is completely free.

66+ Pre-Built Forms

We have added 66+ pre-build forms for you so you can easily select the right form and start using it.
Here are the few forms from those that we have packed for you:

  • Contact Form – A simple contact form for your site.
  • Support Form – Using this support form, users can ask questions.
  • Event Registration Form – Using this registration form, you can enable your event to achieve its goal.
  • Vendor Contact Form – Easily create a vendor contact form and get logged in user details easily.
  • Patient Intake Form – Using this form, you can get the patient information with the medical history.
  • Volunteer Application Form – Get volunteer applicants data according to their particular interests with working days.
  • Request for Quote Form – Get user request for quote using this simple form.
  • Conference Proposal Form – This sample form is to make a conference proposal efficient and effective.
  • Report a bug Form – You can get user feedback, bug reports, and the issue details from the user.
  • Polling Form – A sample polling form to get user opinion from your scheduled time.
  • Tell A Friend Form – Get text from your site users.
  • My Directory Information Form – This form allows you to get the directory information.
  • My Directory Information Form – This form will enable you to get the directory information.
  • Request for Leave Form – Receive leave requests from your employee instantly.
  • Admissions Form – Receive new admission students’ data along with their documents using this sample admission form.
  • Loan Application Form – Get loan applications from applicants with their detail information.
  • Job Listing Form Form – Get application and uploaded a resume from online applicants.
  • Website Feedback Form – To make effective for your site users, you may get the feedback and suggestions using this sample form.
  • Comment & Rating Form – Get user ratings and feedback instantly.
  • User Registration Form (pro) – Create user and make automatic login as part of the form submission process. Fluent Forms made WordPress user registration easy.
  • Donation Form (pro) – Let your users input the donation amount and donate via paypal, Stripe, RazorPay and Mollie as a form submission process.
  • Payment Form (pro) – You can easily create online order forms and process payments via PayPal, Stripe, RazorPay, Paystack, Mollie and offline payment methods.
  • Subscription Payments (pro) – Accept and Manage subscription payments easily with Fluent Forms Pro.

Pro Integrations

  • Zapier Integration – Connect your Fluent Forms data with Zapier and push data to thousands of online softwares
  • WebHook – Broadcast your WP Forms Submission to any web api endpoint with powerful webhook module.
  • Google Sheet – Directly push your form entries to google sheet.
  • ActiveCampaign – WordPress Forms ActiveCampaign Module allows you to create ActiveCampaign list signup forms in WordPress, so you can grow your email list.
  • Campaign Monitor – Fluent Forms Campaign Monitor module allows you to create Campaign Monitor newsletter signup forms in WordPress, so you can grow your email list.
  • Constant Contact – Connect Constant Contact with your WP Forms and create subscriptions forms right into WordPress and grow your list.
  • ConvertKit – Connect ConvertKit with your WP Forms and create subscriptions forms right into WordPress and grow your list.
  • GetResponse – Fluent Forms GetResponse module allows you to create GetResponse newsletter signup forms in WordPress, so you can grow your email list.
  • HubSpot – Connect HubSpot with Your WP Forms and subscribe a contact when a form is submitted
  • iContact – Connect iContact with your WP Forms and subscribe a contact when a form is submitted
  • MooSend – Connect MooSend with WP Forms and subscribe a contact when a form is submitted
  • SendFox – Connect SendFox with WP Forms and subscribe a contact when a form is submitted
  • MailerLite – Connect your WP Forms with MailerLite and add subscribers easily
  • MooSend – Connect MooSend with Fluent Forms and subscribe a contact when a form is submitted.
  • SMS Notification – Send SMS when new submission will be happened in real time with Twilio
  • – Connect Your WordPress form with
  • Trello – Create Trello Cards in your boards on form submission
  • Drip – Fluent Forms Drip Module allows you to create Drip subscribers from WordPress, so you can grow your email list.
  • iContact – Connect iContact with Fluent Forms and subscribe a contact when a form is submitted.
  • SendinBlue – Connect Your Contact Forms with SendinBlue CRM
  • Automizy – Connect Your Contact Forms with Automizy Marketing Solution
  • User Registration – Create WordPress users from fluent form submissions
  • Post/CPT integration – Create any type of posts from form submission. You can visually map the ACF fields from fluent forms
  • PayPal – Create PayPal payment forms to easily collect payments, donations, and online orders. Sale your items easily using WordPress Forms
  • Stripe – Create Stripe payment forms and easily collect credit card payments, donations, and online orders with Fluent Forms Pro. No Extra addon requires
  • Mollie – Easily collect credit card payments, donations, and online orders with Fluent Forms Pro. No Extra addon requires
  • RazorPay – Easily collect credit card payments, donations, and online orders with Fluent Forms Pro. No Extra addon requires
  • Paystack – Easily collect credit card payments, donations, and online orders with Fluent Forms Pro. No Extra addon requires
  • Discord – Get automated form notifications on your Discord server
  • Salesflare – Connection with the Salesflare CRM got more ‘Fluent’ with this integration
  • AffiliateWP – Generate referrals when users complete a payment with your forms
  • Zoho CRM – A business tool to manage online sales, marketing, and customer support
  • ClickSend – Send SMS notification instantly when a form is submitted
  • CleverReach – Fluent Forms and CleverReach combo is a great way to grow your subscribers and manage email campaigns
  • Salesforce – Conncet Salesforce with Fluent Forms and keep your Saleforce’s objects streamlined with WordPress


Fluent Forms started is not just a contact form plugin, it is a powerful forms solution that you can use to create a payment form, online donation form, user registration form, online booking form, guest posting forms and more.

Fluent Forms Pro integrates with both PayPal and Stripe, so you can easily create a payment form to accept credit card payment on your website. You can also use PayPal payment method to make a donation form and accept payments online.

Business owners also use Fluent Forms to create custom product purchase forms like t-shirt order forms, online booking forms, custom amount payment form and more.

Checkout The Documentation with video tutorial

Fluent Forms Documentation comes with a detailed step-by-step instruction of how to use this Drag & Drop responsive WordPress form builder plugin. The following topics are covered in this documentation. Please check few of them as bellow:

  • How to Create a Form in WordPress
  • Set up Form Submission Confirmation Message
  • Setting up Email Notifications in Fluent Forms Plugin
  • Send Email Notifications on Form Submission
  • Managing the Submitted Entries in Fluent Forms
  • Available Field Tyles in WordPress Forms
  • Set up Forms with Conditional Logic
  • WordPress Form Scheduling and Restriction Feature
  • All Available CRM and Marketing Tools Integration Modules

What our users saying about the Best Contact Form Plugin for WordPress

Best form plugin ever with first class support
This is the lightest form plugin I’ve ever used (except basic CF7 which is not enough for me). Great performances, great UI, great features, and above all, amazing dev/support team!!!
Plugin is improving almost every week and they listen to you ?
– By @yankiara

Excellent !!!
This is going to replace the current form making plugin I’ve been using since 2012, and I won’t be looking back, it’s that good. And things will only get better with the development of this plugin. Looking forward for the repeat field, among other things. I wish I could give it 6 stars !!!
– By @nick6352683

One of the best form builder
I been using other form builder plugins, and this form builder is easy and it gets the job done. I have switch all my sites to this form builder, and i’m not going back.
The support team is very help full, I have message him about issues I have found, and he would be all over it to solve the issue. I recommend this builder, it has everything you need and more, specially with the builder making the plugin better over time. Looking forward to what other options will be available in the future. Thank you
– By @antoniolucio

A great life time saver and what performances!
Great plugin, really. You have to test it… it’s super fast and super lightweight.
– By @seventhose

Fluent Forms is just so excellent
I came in contact with Fluent Forms about 2weeks ago and has change my experience in using forms. The easiest and sweetest plugin available. Also Great support team.
Thanks excellent Hasanuzzaman for your support
– By @austinigbe

Free Version Has Options Found only in Premium Plugins
This is a fantastic email form. It’s fast (very light weight), easy to use, and the support is great. To boot, the free version also has options usually found only in premium email forms. Don’t waste your time looking for another form. I spent countless hours looking for the “right” form, and this one is it, hands down.
– By @nevrsmer


Already using a form plugin? If you are looking forward to switching to Fluent Forms, but already using Caldera Forms, Ninja Forms or Gravity Forms; we will make the switch easy for you. Now Fluent Forms comes packed with a one-click migrator. With this migrator, you can import all of your forms made with Caldera along with the customizations, configuration, and form entries! For Ninja Forms, and Gravity Forms the migrator will only import your forms and form settings, but not the form entries.

Migrating From Gravity Forms

If you have forms in Gravity Forms then you can migrate Forms build with Gravity Forms easily. In this case just go to the Fluent Forms -> Tools -> Migrator and you will find a section for Gravity Forms. You can see all the Gravity Forms and then click the Migrate button to migrate the form as well as the entries will be migrated. Please note that, Entries of your Gravity Forms will not be migrated.

Migrating From Ninja Forms

If you have forms in Ninja Forms then you can migrate Forms build with Ninja Forms easily. In this case just go to the Fluent Forms -> Tools -> Migrator and you will find a section for Ninja Forms. You can see all the Ninja Forms and then click the Migrate button to migrate the form as well as the entries will be migrated. Please note that, Entries of your Ninja Forms will not be migrated.

Migrating From Caldera Forms

If you have forms in Caldera Forms then you can migrate Forms build with Caldera Forms easily. In this case just go to the Fluent Forms -> Tools -> Migrator and you will find a section for Caldera Forms. You can see all the Caldera Forms and then click the Migrate button to migrate the form as well as the entries will be migrated. Your Entries from Caldera Forms will be also migrated.

Other Plugins By WPManageNinja Team

  • Ninja Tables – Best WP DataTables Plugin for WordPress
  • Ninja Charts – Best WP Charts Plugin for WordPress
  • WPPayForm – Stripe Payments Plugin for WordPress
  • Mautic Integration For Fluent Forms
  • Fluent Forms PDF – PDF Entries for Fluent Forms
  • FluentSMTP – The Most Advanced SMTP, SES Plugin for WordPress



2024-09-20 18:30:15
