WordPress Popular Posts WordPress 插件

WordPress Popular Posts WordPress 插件


WordPress Popular Posts is a highly customizable widget that displays your most popular posts.

Main Features

  • Multi-widget capable – You can have several widgets of WordPress Popular Posts on your blog, each with its own settings!
  • Time Range – List those posts of your blog that have been the most popular ones within a specific time range (eg. last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, etc)!
  • Custom Post-type support – Want to show other stuff than just posts and pages, eg. Popular Products? You can!
  • Thumbnails! – Display a thumbnail of your posts! (see the FAQ section for more details.)
  • Statistics dashboard – See how your popular posts are doing directly from your admin area.
  • Sorting options – Order your popular list by comments, views (default) or average views per day!
  • Custom themes – Out of the box, WordPress Popular Posts includes some themes so you can style your popular posts list (see Widget Themes for more details).
  • Use your own layout! – WPP is flexible enough to let you customize the look and feel of your popular posts! (see customizing WPP’s HTML markup and How to style WordPress Popular Posts for more.)
  • Advanced caching features! – WordPress Popular Posts includes a few options to make sure your site’s performance stays as good as ever! (see Performance for more details.)
  • REST API Support – Embed your popular posts in your (web) app! (see REST API Endpoints for more.)
  • Disqus support – Sort your popular posts by Disqus comments count!
  • Polylang & WPML 3.2+ support – Show the translated version of your popular posts!
  • WordPress Multisite support – Each site on the network can have its own popular posts list!

Other Features

  • Shortcode support – Use the [wpp] shortcode to showcase your most popular posts on pages, too! For usage and instructions, please refer to the Installation section.
  • Template tags – Don’t feel like using widgets? No problem! You can still embed your most popular entries on your theme using the wpp_get_mostpopular() template tag. Additionally, the wpp_get_views() template tag allows you to retrieve the views count for a particular post. For usage and instructions, please refer to the Installation section.
  • Localization – Translate WPP into your own language.
  • WP-PostRatings support – Show your visitors how your readers are rating your posts!

PSA: do not use the classic WordPress Popular Posts widget with the new Widgets screen!

The classic WordPress Popular Posts widget doesn’t work very well / at all with the new Widgets screen introduced with WordPress 5.8.

This new Widgets screen expects WordPress blocks instead of regular WordPress widgets. If you’re using the WordPress Popular Posts widget on your block-based Widgets screen please consider replacing it with the WordPress Popular Posts block instead – it has the same features as the “classic” widget and will likely end up replacing it entirely in the future.

Bjorn from wplearninglab.com was kind enough to create a video explaining how to use the new block for all of you visual learners:

If for some reason you prefer using the “classic” WordPress Popular Posts widget with WordPress 5.8 and beyond please install the Classic Widgets plugin.

Support the Project!

If you’d like to support my work and efforts to creating and maintaining more open source projects your donations and messages of support mean a lot!

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WordPress Popular Posts is now also on GitHub!

Looking for a Recent Posts widget just as featured-packed as WordPress Popular Posts? Try Recently!


  • Flame graphic by freevector/Vecteezy.com.



2024-09-08 11:21:00
