MainWP Child – Securely connects sites to the MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard WordPress 插件

MainWP Child – Securely connects sites to the MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard WordPress 插件


The Child plugin connects your WordPress sites to the MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard

The MainWP WordPress Management system is self-hosted, open source, and private. Connect and control all the WordPress sites you administer, even those on different hosts and servers.

MainWP is the perfect solution for WordPress consultants, marketers, developers, WordPress shops, or anyone with multiple WordPress sites

Your Guarantee of Privacy

The MainWP plugins come with their own privacy policies to ensure you that the plugins do not collect any personally identifiable information (PII). Please review them before activating the plugin.

How does the MainWP system work?

First, Install and Activate the MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard plugin on a WordPress site you will use for controlling all other sites; this is your Dashboard Site. We highly recommend this be a new, clean WordPress installation and not on one of your operating sites. Using a clean site helps to eliminate any unnecessary plugin conflicts or security issues.

Next, Install and Activate the MainWP Child plugin (this plugin) on a WordPress site you want to connect to your MainWP Dashboard. WordPress sites connected to your Dashboard are referred to as Child sites.

Lastly, you securely connect your child site to your MainWP Dashboard. Once connected, your Dashboard can control most aspects of the Child site.

Still not sure how MainWP works? Review these detailed steps on installing your Dashboard and connecting your first Child site.

Features include:

  • Connect and control all your WordPress installs, even those on different hosts!
  • Update all WordPress installs, Plugins and Themes from one location
  • Manage and Add all your Posts from one location
  • Manage and Add all your Pages from one location
  • Run everything from 1 Dashboard that you host!

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2024-09-08 08:45:19
