• MailChimp List Subscribe Form WordPress 插件

    描述 Use the MailChimp List Subscribe plugin to quickly add a MailChimp signup form widget to your WordPress 2.8 or higher site. After installation, you’ll log in with your API key, select your MailChimp list, choose merge fields and groups, and add th…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • WP SMTP WordPress 插件

    描述 WP SMTP can help us to send emails via SMTP instead of the PHP mail() function.It adds a settings page to “Dashboard”->”Settings”->”WP SMTP” where you can configure the email settings.There are some exampl…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Categories Images WordPress 插件

    描述 The Categories Images Plugin allow you to add image with category or taxonomy. Use <?php if (function_exists(‘z_taxonomy_image_url’)) echo z_taxonomy_image_url(); ?> to get the url and put it in any img tag or simply use <?php if (functio…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Conditional Menus WordPress 插件

    描述 Conditional Menus is a simple yet useful WordPress plugin by Themify, which allows you to swap the menus in the theme as per specific conditions. In short, you can have different menus in different posts, pages, categories, archive pages, etc. It …

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Custom Login Page Customizer by Colorlib WordPress 插件

    描述 Custom Login Page Customizer by Colorlib is an awesome and intuitive login page plugin that helps you personalize your login page and login form directly from the Customizer. Custom Login Page Customizer fully supports the Live Customizer feature …

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Variation Swatches for WooCommerce by CartFlows WordPress 插件

    描述 Variation Swatches for WooCommerce is the easiest to use plugin to convert dropdown boxes into highly engaging variation swatches. Make it faster and easier for your buyers to choose product variations visually. There are no complicated settings o…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Booster for WooCommerce WordPress 插件

    描述 The only WooCommerce bundle you’ll ever need.Replace all those WooCommerce plugins with one single plugin that does the job of them all, and then some! Booster combines everything you need to fully customize your site’s functionality into a …

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • WP Featherlight – A Simple jQuery Lightbox WordPress 插件

    描述 WP Featherlight is a WordPress lightbox plugin for adding a minimal, high-performance, responsive jQuery lightbox to your WordPress website. At its core, WP Featherlight is a WordPress plugin wrapper for the Featherlight jQuery lightbox plugin. Wh…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Media Library Assistant WordPress 插件

    描述 The Media Library Assistant provides several enhancements for managing the Media Library, including: The [mla_gallery] shortcode, used in a post, page or custom post type to add a gallery of images and/or other Media Library items (such as PDF doc…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Simple Google reCAPTCHA WordPress 插件

    描述 Simple Google reCAPTCHA will protect your WordPress! You have choice between default v2 Checkbox and v3 (like invisible reCAPTCHA). No more spam comments and brute-force attacks against user accounts. Small plugin, only necessary code – no a…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Variation Swatches for WooCommerce WordPress 插件

    描述 Variation Swatches for WooCommerce plugin provides a much nicer way to display variations of variable products. This plugin will help you select style for each attribute as color, image or label. With this plugin, you can present product colors, s…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
  • Re-add text underline and justify WordPress 插件

    描述 This tiny plugin re-adds the Editor text underline & text justify buttons in the WYSIWYG removed in WordPress 4.7. It works well with the Classic Editor plugin, Advanced Custom Fields (Free & Pro) and is also compatible with the Gutenberg&…

    WordPress插件 2022年11月16日
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