Photo Gallery, Images, Slider in Rbs Image Gallery WordPress 插件

Photo Gallery, Images, Slider in Rbs Image Gallery WordPress 插件


Gallery on your website it’s really attractive and a very important part of your pages. If you looking for a fast, easy plugin with a simple and very beautiful, highly customizable design ALL DEMOS YOU CAN FIND HERE

With our plugin, even newbies in WordPress will be able to create their first gallery in a few minutes and at the same time WordPress professionals get advanced tools and freedom of creativity. Just download this plugin and you’ll not look for any other plugin anymore! Gallery Showcase with the previews of all views


All Gallery Demos

Portfolio Gallery

Hash Tags

Masonry Gallery

Youtube Video

Blog Style

Vimeo Video

Multi Categories Cars Demo

Grid Layout Demo with Fade hover effect

Multi Categories Polaroid style Movie Demo with classic layout

Design Sketch Demo with grid layout

Multi Categories Demo with custom interface colors and classic layout

Video Demo with grid layout

Key Features

  • No Right click / Content protection – in Robo gallery possible to disable right click to prevent copy of the gallery content. Content copy protection is very important for every photographer’s portfolio photos.
  • Lightbox no right click / Content protection – in Robo gallery possible to disable right click to prevent copy of the gallery lightbox content. Content copy protection is very important for every photographer’s portfolio photos.
  • One click setup – implemented one click wizard with the 5 types: image grid, mosaic, masonry, polaroid, youtube gallery.
  • No limits – no limits for amount of instances with 5 free types: photo grid, mosaic, masonry, polaroid, youtube grid.
  • No limits for images / photos – no limits for amount of the images / photos in every album.
  • Gutenberg block – implemented Gutenberg gallery block for simple and fast configuration of the plugin in Gutenberg editor.
  • Fully responsive and Mobile features – plugin implemented with advanced settings for different devices screen size.
  • Fade effects – one of the hover animation it’s classic fade effect.
  • Batch images upload – advanced media manager which allow to upload batch of the images by one click. Just drag and drop set of the gallery images and it’s upload automatically to the server.
  • Auto-resizing for thumbnails and images – media manager allow you make additional customization of the images, like: rotation, flip, crop, manual resize.
  • Customizable 15 hover effects – all hover effects working in cooperation with interface configuration options. You can easily change style and colors of the hover animation elements.
  • Implemented to avoid AJAX libs conflicts – code implemented in native WordPress style as result our plugin don’t have any conflicts and work really stable.
  • Polaroid gallery – with our plugin you can create Polaroid layout just with few clicks.
  • Advanced Polaroid Styles – Polaroid styles implemented with advanced functionality. Implemented left, right and centre images titles alignment. Polaroid description panel of the images background color selector.
  • Build in colors selector – you can easily change color of any interface element.
  • Social sharing – gallery lightbox support social sharing in twitter, facebook, google plus and pinterest.
  • Build in borders and shadows settings – borders and shadows have advanced options for configuration design and style of this gallery interface elements.
  • Font settings – build in advanced text style editor options. With this options you can fully customize title, caption, description of the every image
  • Different resolutions – implemented advanced size control options where you can define layout or fixed size for the interface elements on different screen resolutions
  • Implemented in native WordPress style using native classes – native for WordPress implemented without any hacks and tricks
  • Multi Categories – multi categories albums support. You can create your own galleries tree, depend of your needs
  • Classic layout – layout could have classic style or grid layout, every item on page could have own styles and settings
  • Advanced pagination function – pagination function implemented in google load more style
  • Work in IE, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome – work properly in all latest versions of the popular browsers
  • Lazy loading option – implemented advanced lazy loading options, for the case when you have big sets of the images you can define amount of the galleries images for the first load and for the next steps of the load more option
  • Advanced cache options – implemented advanced images caching options
  • Overlay effects – all hover effects of the thumbnails are highly customizable and have full set of options
  • Backend text settings preview – all images titles, captions, descriptions are highly customizable also we have life preview of the changes in backend
  • Resizing crop function – in media managed you’ll find great set of very useful features for example images crop, and manual resizing
  • Optional mobile touch support – our plugin support mobile devices and you can customize responsive gallery layout settings for different screen sizes
  • Custom ordering of the images – ordering for all images could be easily changed manually in media manager or you can find order by options in general settings
  • Ability to insert plugin to the WordPress post, page, widget – every item could be insert in to post, page or widget with build in shortcode tag or using wizard button – shortcode generator in post or page editor
  • Lightbox social buttons – in plugin settings you can turn on/off social buttons
  • Lightbox background color – in lightbox settings you can change color of the background with comfortable color selector
  • Lightbox background transparency – in lightbox settings you can change transparency of the background with comfortable color selector
  • Lightbox font color – in lightbox settings you can change color of the font with comfortable color selector
  • Lightbox font transparency – in lightbox settings you can change transparency of the font with comfortable color selector
  • Advanced Compatibility – implement advanced compatibility options to avoid conflict with libraries of another plugins and theme. You can switch between modes to find properly value for your case.
  • Advanced Social Sharing – advanced social sharing functionality in lightbox. Implemented deep linking functionality for the images social sharing services Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, VK
  • Click Thumbnails – advanced click functionality. You can use click on buttons or on the gallery thumbnails to enlarge image or open image link. With new functionality you can combine absolutely different features of the clicking functionality.
  • Alignment – alignment of the photo gallery in post or page depend of your needs. You don’t need to use HTML tags or some CSS tricks this function gonna help you to align your images gallery the way you need. Possible to select one from implemented alignment modes: left, right, center for images alignment inside post or page content.
  • Padding – new padding options. Define custom values in pixels for padding thumbnails block in post or page content. Is it possible to define padding from left, right, top and bottom side.
  • Post Generator – new function for the automatically post creation with gallery tag inside it. Advanced post manager implemented with additional functions for customization and management all your posts in one place.
  • Description Panel – new image description panel in lightbox, few different themes. Settings section make you able to change content panel theme styles. In description panel you can define few content source. Image title, image caption or image description.
  • Swipe in Lightbox – lightbox support swipe effect on multiply mobile devices. Swipe properly work in lightbox for all images. Tested for Android and iOS.
  • Advanced Link Button Design – front end interface have link button. This button provide linking functionality on every thumbnail.
    This interface button have wide range of the front end interface customization options. You can easily change this button color, border and icon.
  • Hover Description Template – every image contain description field. In additional parameters of the image hover you can define some HTML or tags or build-in tags for customization of the image description.
  • Plugin Compatibility Settings – in plugin settings you can customize general plugin settings to avoid conflicts with another plugins or wordpress theme.
  • Admin Interface Modes – in plugin settings you can customize plugin interface settings to avoid conflicts with another plugins.
  • Video Links – in media manager every image have separate option for video link. Video links could be specified to to the youtube feed or vimeo.
  • Images Custom Ratio – in plugin settings you can define custom ratio for every picture. Every gallery could have personal settings for this option.
  • Thumbnails Fade Effect – implemented Fade effect for the hover of the photo thumbnails. With such hover animation effect become more attractive and eye catching.
  • Advanced Load more function – implemented very attractive navigation mode. Auto pre loading images like endless list of the images. Load more function have alot of customization options to make it work the way you need.
  • SEO code optimization – implemented few front end code output modes. One simplified mode with all core front end code elements another mode with additional not visible elements. This option have additional modes. This SEO output modes give you default output mode, thumbnail, thumnails+links mode.
  • Template – in our plugin we have advanced template engine for images description. Every hover text of image could be edit and customized with built-in template options.
  • Cache – incredible new super cache option make your page load ten time faster. This function use absolutely new model of the images load. When you enable cache for big size gallery it’s gonna be much faster and effective to use our plugin. Your visitors will be really surprised by the speed of the page load.
  • Support Videos – every image have option where possible to define video link for every particular picture.
  • Elementor Block – in Elementor page builder you can use build-in Elementor block in our plugin.
  • Slider – possible to create image slider with mobile friendly interface and support of the touch screen devices. In slideshow mode you can upload photos to the image slideshow and configure differnet interface elements to navigate between slided. Possible to create unlimited amount photos sliders with different text on description panel. You can use title, caption or photo description as text source for every slide of the image slider.

Pro Key Features

  • 50+ pre-configured styles – one click setup of the gallery with required type and theme styles. This styles classified in 6 categories with different types of the grid layout and interface views.
  • Advanced Youtube Gallery – pre-configured 6 views for the youtube feeds mode. Every instance have full set of the design configuration controls.
  • Advanced Photo Grid Themes – pre-configured 8 views for the image grid views with additional advanced interface and layout configuration settings.
  • Advanced Masonry Themes – pre-configured 8 views for the masonry grid views with additional advanced interface and layout configuration settings. Added smart resizing mode for the resizing images automatically for the building of the masonry grid layout.
  • Advanced Mosaic Themes – pre-configured 6 views for the mosaic grid views with additional advanced interface and layout configuration settings.
  • Advanced Polaroid Themes – pre-configured 8 views for the polaroid grid views with additional advanced interface and layout configuration settings.
  • Advanced Wall Style Themes – pre-configured 8 views for the wall style grid views with additional advanced interface and layout configuration settings.
  • Advanced Menu Settings – full access to configuration of the top grid filters and navigation buttons. With configuration of the navigation menu styles and modes.
  • Advanced Tags Navigation – tags navigation mode for the top navigation menu.
  • Advanced Polaroid Settings – configuration of the polaroid content source and design for the description panel.
  • Advanced Size Settings – set of the size options, grid spacing, columns management, mobile friendly settings for the mobile devices.
  • Advanced Lightbox Settings – customizable colors, styles and visibility of the navigation elements in lightbox popup.
  • Advanced Hover Settings – multiply colors configuration for the overlay, buttons and all text for the additional hover elements like title, caption and description.
  • Advanced Pagination Settings – configuration of the load more function workflow. Modification of the styles and colors of the pagination interface element.
  • Advanced Layout Settings – image grid settings, different layout settings for the desktop site version and mobile devices. Android or iOS, mobile friendly gallery layout.
  • Advanced Resizing Settings – for the masonry grid implemented new automatic, advanced thumbnails resizing function.
  • Youtube Playlist – fast import of the youtube playlists videos in few clicks.
  • Youtube Channel – fast import of the youtube channels videos in few clicks.
  • Image Link – every image have personal link field. You can set different link for the every image.
  • Tags for images – every image contain description field. In additional parameters of the image hover you can define some HTML or tags or build-in tags for customization of the image description.
  • Grid layout – in plugin implemented not only classic gallery layout, but also grid layout for the modern style with different size of the thumbnails.
  • Smart Links – implemented smart images links and video links parsing algorithm. Implemented auto detection links with turned off link navigation buttons
  • Hover layout template – hover effects have set of advanced options. For example you can customize layout of the hover effect with build in tags
  • Customizable Grid – every image have additional options for customization of the photos layout, as result you can build fully custom gallery grid, depend of your needs. You can decide which size of the thumbnails matrix you need on your website
  • Customizable hover icons – all icons of the gallery buttons fully customizable and every icon could be easily changed with build in icons wizard
  • Gallery widget – every item could be insert in to post, page or widget with build in shortcode tag or using wizard button – shortcode generator in post or page editor
  • Clone – if you have hundreds of galleries on the website this feature is really useful for you! Clone settings of one gallery to apply it to another one. So you can copy styles of the source item to as much galleries as you need just by one click.
  • Custom Thumbnails Shadows – shadow it’s very stylish element of the thumbnail images on the front end. You can make your pages looks absolutely different with different styled shadow.
  • Statistics – every item have very useful and simple statistics functionality. You can easily check every photos views. In settings statistic values could be reset.
  • Backup – implemented multifunctional galleries backup function. With this modes you can easily transfer settings and galleries images from one server to another. Backup functionality have mode to make export only album settings or full backup with images and settings.
  • Multisite Support – implemented multi site support. You can install plugin in admin dashboard and enable plugin for all child blogs.
  • Drag and Drop Categories Manager – in plugin implemented advanced categories manager with drag and drop functionality.

Next Release Functionality Announce

Useful Links

Technical Support

More Details

Minimum requirements for WordPress Robo Gallery

WordPress 3.3PHP 5.xMySQL 5.x


Plugin implemented in native WordPress style. All code implemented based on WordPress api and base classes. Also we tried in our plugin code avoid conflicts with other plugins and libraries. If you accordantly meet with some errors, conflicts or other related problems feel free to contact us and we’ll to sort everything in short time.

If any problem occurs, please contact us.



2024-09-18 19:12:38
