WP Bulk Delete WordPress 插件

WP Bulk Delete WordPress 插件


WP Bulk Delete is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to delete posts, pages, comments, users, taxonomy terms and meta fields in bulk based with different powerful filters and conditions. WP bulk delete helps in finding and mass deleting unnecessary data clean up. It also helps in imporving Speed and reducing database load.

Powerfull Features

WP bulk Delete support below powerfull conditions and filters.

Deleting posts

  • Delete Posts.
  • Delete posts by category
  • Delete posts by tag
  • Delete Posts by custom post type
  • Delete Posts by post status
  • Delete Posts by date interval
  • Delete Posts by custom Taxonomy
  • Delete Posts by authors
  • Delete Post by meta fields
  • Delete Posts by title or content. PRO Version
  • Delete Posts by custom fields. PRO Version
  • Delete Posts by any filters. PRO Version
  • Delete Posts by any conditions. PRO Version
  • Scheduled Delete PRO Version

Delete post by conditions & filters

  • Post date greater than X days
  • Post date less than X days
  • Post in date range
  • Only public posts
  • Only private posts
  • Restrict to first N posts
  • Delete permanently or just move to trash
  • Schedule deletion of posts automatically
  • Post by Category
  • Post by Author
  • Post by status published,pending etc
  • Delete Duplicate Post (comming soon)

Delete Comments

  • Delete Comments
  • Delete Comments by status
  • Delete Comments by date interval
  • Delete Comments by comment author. PRO Version
  • Delete Comments by comment post. PRO Version
  • Delete Comments by conditions & filters PRO Version
  • Scheduled Delete PRO Version

Delete users

  • Delete Users
  • Delete Users by user roles
  • Delete Users by date interval
  • Delete users based on their registered date
  • Delete Users by user meta fields
  • Assign deleted user data to another user. PRO Version
  • Scheduled Delete PRO Version

Delete Meta fields

  • Delete Post Meta fields
  • Delete User meta fields
  • Delete Comment meta fields
  • Delete Taxonomy terms

Database Cleanup

  • Delete Auto Drafts
  • Delete Trash post
  • Delete Revisions
  • Delete Orphaned Meta
  • Delete Duplicate Meta
  • Bulk Delete Post
  • Mass Delete Post

Deleting pages

  • Delete all published pages
  • Delete all draft pages
  • Delete all pending pages
  • Delete all private pages
  • Delete all scheduled pages
  • Delete all pages from trash
  • Delete all revisions pages
  • Delete all trash pages

Deleting post revisions

  • Delete all post revisions
  • Delete all page revisions
  • Delete all Custom Post Type Revisions

WP Bulk Delete PRO Version

We are working on providing more options ?


  • If you have found a bug/issue or have a feature request, then post them in Support ticket
  • If you have a question about plugin or need help to troubleshoot plugin, then post about it in our WP Bulk delete Support
  • If you like the Plugin, then kindly leave a review/feedback at WordPress repo page. This will help more people to discover the plugin.
  • Checkout other WordPress Plugins that we have written



2024-09-18 19:16:49
