Easy Digital Downloads -简单的电子商务用于售卖数字文件 WordPress 插件

Easy Digital Downloads -简单的电子商务用于售卖数字文件 WordPress 插件


Easy Digital Downloads 是一个完整的电商解决方案用于在WordPress上售卖电子产品。了解更多 EasyDigitalDownloads.com.

✨ Sell effortlessly

Whether it is selling software like WordPress plugins or themes, documents and spreadsheets, photography, ebooks, music, graphics or digital artwork, videos, or any other type of media file, Easy Digital Downloads provides a complete ecommerce platform that just works, so you can get back to creating.

Easy Digital Download 是一个无价的工具,你可以通过我们的商业以及客户,我喜欢它的简单,以及强大的功能还有有用的扩展库。EDD 是唯一一个小型商业也能负担的起的并且能够脱颖而出的选项,并且它可以像客户提供客户需要的数字网站。

马克·亨特 – 批准标志

✨ Build with Blocks

Easy Digital Downloads comes with built in Block Editor support, giving you the best experience in building your ecommerce store. We’ve added blocks for the following (with more coming all the time…)

  • Shopping Cart (great for sidebars)
  • Mini Shopping Cart (great for navigation menus)
  • Product Listing
  • Payment Confirmation
  • Product Category/Tag Listing
  • Registration Form
  • Login Form (complete with password reset support)
  • Receipt View
  • Customer Order History
  • Product purchase & add to cart button
  • Store Checkout

? Easy and free, meet robust and powerful

Too often digital creators have to make the hard choice between affordable and powerful. Not with Easy Digital Downloads. It’s free forever. It’s easy to get started. Then, as you grow, there are hundreds of extensions to add functionality when you need it.

EDD 给了我一个开箱即用的平台,带有领过的自定义的任何我想需要的事情,两全其美!

Brian Hogg – SellingPlugins.com

这里有一些有特点的支持 out-of-the-box:

  • Complete shopping cart – Customers can browse your product catalogue, add items to their cart, and checkout when they are ready. Or they can bypass the cart using Buy Now buttons.
  • 高度可定制以及清理的账单 – 购买者可以轻易的完成它的购买,并且直接跳到你站点的查询页面。
  • 付款灵活性 – 接受使用 Stripe 以及 PayPal 付款的信用卡付款。 Apple Pay 和 Google Pay 也包含在 Stripe 的付款请求按钮中。
  • 完整的客户管理 – 查看和管理所有客户及其购买历史的详细记录。
  • 详细的电商报告 – 保持跟踪你的收益,退款,销售,以及更多。
  • Secure file protection – Prevent unauthorized visitors from accessing your product files without paying.
  • 折扣码 – 通过向潜在客户提供可在结账时使用的优惠券或折扣代码来促进销售。
  • 适用于任何主题 – 让您选择的 WordPress 主题处理设计。 Easy Digital Downloads 将非常适合。
  • 以及更多!

? Localized for your language

Easy Digital Downloads has been translated into more than two dozen languages and new translations are being added all the time, letting you have a natural, native experience, regardless of where you live. If your language is not available, we welcome translation contributions! See our FAQ.

? Support for many payment gateways, including Stripe and PayPal

The internet has made it possible for anyone to sell their products to a world-wide audience. No matter where you live, Easy Digital Downloads can be your e-Commerce solution. We offer integrations for the most common merchant processors and, through 3rd party extensions, support for many, many more as well.

免费的 Easy Digital Downloads 插件支持的支付网关:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • Amazon 付款

Payment gateways supported through free or paid extensions:

  • Stripe Pro(降低费用和预先批准的付款功能)
  • PayPal Commerce Pro (unbranded card payments and additional payment methods)
  • Braintree
  • Authorize.net
  • SOFORT 银行

我能说什么? Stripe 是我的首选支付处理器,没有这个 [集成] 我不知道我会做什么。在几秒钟内将 EDD 连接到您的 Stripe 帐户,您就完成了!拥有一个简单的测试模式切换也是一个有价值的开发工具。

Matt Whiteley – Whiteley Designs

See our payment gateways in the extensions catalog for a complete list of supported payment processors.

Easy Digital Downloads 是 Stripe 合作伙伴计划的经过验证的成员。 该计划认可满足 Stripe 严格质量要求的软件,并为 Easy Digital Downloads 和 Stripe 的用户提供信任,让他们信任我们的支付集成。

? Take your store further with extensions

With extensions from our extensive catalog you can super-charge your ecommerce business. Some of our most popular extensions are:

  • Stripe Pro removes the additional 2% processing fee as well as adds the ability to accept pre-approved payments (extension must be installed and activated).
  • PayPal Commerce Pro allows customers to pay by debit or credit card as well as alternative payments such as Sofort, iDEAL, Bancontact, and Giropay (extension must be installed and activated).
  • Software Licensing provides a complete solution for selling software license keys and distributing software updates to customers. Trusted by some of the most successful WordPress Theme and Plugin developers.
  • Recurring Payments allows store owners to sell recurring subscriptions for digital products using payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal.
  • Frontend Submissions transforms your store into a full-featured multi-vendor marketplace.
  • Commissions enables store owners to easily track earnings for product vendors.
  • Free Downloads allows free products to be purchased more easily by bypassing the standard checkout form.
  • Zapier automates your store by connecting Easy Digital Downloads with more than 700 other web services and products.
  • Reviews allows customers to leave reviews and feedback on the products they have purchased.
  • Recommended Products increases revenue by showing customers recommendations on additional products to purchase based on real sales data.
  • Content Restriction allows site owners to restrict access to page content to paying customers.
  • Mailchimp connects your store to your Mailchimp account so you can easily subscribe customers to email lists based on which products they purchase.
  • AWeber connects your store to your AWeber account so you can easily subscribe customers to email lists based on what they purchase.
  • Amazon S3 lets you securely host files on Amazon S3 for more reliable and secure file delivery.
  • Dropbox File Store lets you securely host files in your Dropbox account for more reliable and secure file delivery.

These are just a few of the extensions we offer to help you optimize your digital store and increase revenue. See our complete extensions catalogue for more. There are also hundreds of extensions created by Easy Digital Downloads community members, which can be found on our 3rd Party Extensions page.

? Built with developers in mind

Extensible, adaptable, and open source — Easy Digital Downloads is created with designers and developers in mind. Consult our detailed developer documentation to learn how you can extend and customize your Easy Digital Downloads powered eCommerce store.

Easy Digital Downloads API 使开发人员可以进行自定义,例如:

  • 修改结账表单
  • 覆盖默认的插件行为
  • Generating custom e-Commerce reports
  • 扩展本地的功能
  • 创建一个新的产品页面模板
  • 整合了其他的插件和网站应用


作为开发人员,使用 Easy Digital Downloads 非常愉快,因为您绝对可以扩展 EDD 中可用的任何内容。

Yudhistira Mauris – WP House

? Get help

Easy Digital Downloads is backed by top-notch technical support from our globally distributed full-time support team. We also have an extensive documentation site available. If you’re looking for faster support via email, we encourage you to purchase an Easy Digital Downloads pass or premium extension.

EDD 长期以来一直是 WordPress 坚如磐石的电子商务解决方案。团队生活和呼吸 WordPress,了解平台,并融入社区。

Joe Casabona – 创作者课程

? From our blog


  • How to Offer a Free Trial Subscription in WordPress
  • How to Create a Digital Product That Sells
  • Easy Digital Downloads Free vs Paid: Which Is Right for You?
  • How to Sell Canva Templates with WordPress
  • How to Create Manual eCommerce Orders in WordPress

Subscribe to our newsletter to get posts like these in your inbox as soon as they’re published.

ℹ️ Contribute to Easy Digital Downloads

此插件的开发发生在公共 GitHub 存储库中,以更好地促进活跃的用户、开发人员和设计师社区的贡献。 如果您有建议、错误报告、补丁或拉取请求,请随时在此处贡献或我们的 代码片段库。

? Looking to change e-Commerce solutions?

Easy Digital Downloads is the perfect digital e-Commerce alternative to Etsy, Gumroad, WooCommerce, Shopfiy, BigCommerce, or Wix.

You can use Easy Digital Downloads to sell your digital products with less fees than Gumroad or Etsy.

If Easy Digital Downloads doesn’t quite fit your needs, take a look at some of our other projects.

  • WP Simple Pay – 轻量级 Stripe 支付插件
  • AffiliateWP – A full-featured affiliate marketing solution
  • 糖日历 – WordPress 事件管理变得简单



2024-09-08 08:00:41
