Database Backup for WordPress WordPress 插件

Database Backup for WordPress WordPress 插件


Backup your database instantly, send the backup via email, or schedule backups to run automatically.

Database Backup for WordPress allows you to quickly back up your core WordPress database tables, and either download the backup as a gzipped file, or send it via email to an address you choose.

By default, the plugin will always back up all the core WordPress database tables. However, you may also selectively back up any custom tables that might be created by other plugins

Additional options include the ability to exclude spam comments from the comments table, or post revisions from the posts table, saving you space and bandwidth.

You can also enable scheduled backups to run automatically at set intervals, and configure the email address to send the scheduled backups to.

Backup Before You Mess Up

Backups are the one thing you don’t think of until you need them. You might have the best web host, the most secure server, and a tried and tested process for running plugin, theme, or core updates. But all it takes is one little thing to go wrong, and you lose your entire website.

You need a reliable and automated solution which backs up your WordPress data and sends it to an off-site location. Database Backup for WordPress is that solution.

Why You Should Back Up Your Website

As much planning as you do, any CMS like WordPress that stores its data in a database is vulnerable. Hardware, software, and security hiccups are rare, but they do happen. Even the best enterprise systems in the world have multiple levels of backup in place.

Think about the data you store in your WordPress site. Your blog posts since the day you launched the site. Your customers, products, and order history if you run an ecommerce site. Backups are like implementing an insurance policy for your data. With backups, you have a reliable way of restoring that data if anything goes wrong.

Simple, automated backups save you time and give you peace of mind that you are prepared for the worst case scenario, even if you never need it. Better to have it and not need it, than to not have it and suddenly need it.

Scheduled Backups

Depending on your needs, you might want to back up your database every few minutes, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly. You’ll want to automate this process, or it becomes another possible point of failure.

Scheduled backups give you peace of mind that your data is being backed up as much or as little as you need, without your intervention. By emailing the backups to an email address you choose, you can verify that the backup has run, and store it in a safe location.


Thanks to the following people for providing translation files for Database Backup for WordPress:

  • Abel Cheung
  • Alejandro Urrutia
  • Alexander Kanakaris
  • Angelo Andrea Iorio
  • Calle
  • Daniel Erb
  • Daniel Villoldo
  • Diego Pierotto
  • Eilif Nordseth
  • Eric Lassauge
  • Friedlich
  • Gilles Wittezaele
  • Icemanpro
  • İzzet Emre Erkan
  • Jong-In Kim
  • Kaveh
  • Kessia Pinheiro
  • Kuratkoo
  • Majed Alotaibi
  • Michał Gołuński
  • Michele Spagnuolo
  • Paopao
  • Philippe Galliard
  • Robert Buj
  • Roger
  • Rune Gulbrandsøy
  • Serge Rauber
  • Sergey Biryukov
  • Tai
  • Timm Severin
  • Tzafrir Rehan
  • 吴曦

Past Contributors

filosofo, skippy, Firas, LaughingLizard, MtDewVirus, Podz, Ringmaster



2024-09-16 15:42:21
