XML Sitemap & Google News WordPress 插件

XML Sitemap & Google News WordPress 插件


This plugin dynamically creates dynamic feeds that comply with the XML Sitemap and the Google News Sitemap protocol. Multisite, Polylang and WPML compatible and there are no static files created.

There are options to control which sitemaps are enabled, which Post Types and archive pages (like taxonomy terms and author pages) are included, how Priority and Lastmod are calculated, who to ping and a possibility to set additional robots.txt rules from within the WordPress admin.

本插件相比起其他 XML 站点地图插件的优点在于其简易性。它不需要你修改文件或文件夹权限,不需要移动文件或在那些困难复杂的插件选项上耗费时间。

你或者你所属的多站点网络的所有者,不必为其它大多数 XML 站点地图插件那般复杂的设置而烦心。本插件的默认设置已足以应对大多数情况。

一般情况下,一份依照默认设置收录文章与页面的 XML 站点地图索引将在 yourblog.url/sitemap.xml(如果你不使用“友好(Fancy)”的固定链接结构,则该链接为 yourblog.url/?feed=sitemap)中立即可用,随时等待诸如 Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL, Ask 等搜索引擎索引或抓取。当启用 Google News 站点地图时,站点地图将在 yourblog.url/sitemap-news.xml (或 yourblog.url/?feed=sitemap-news)中立即可用,并随时等待谷歌新闻索引抓取。它们二者都将被动态创建的 yourblog.url/Robots.txt 路径下的 Robots.txt 文件自动引用来告诉搜索引擎应该在哪抓取 XML 站点地图。Google 与 Bing 将在每一次文章发表与更新时收到提醒。

请阅读 FAQ 来了解如何将从谷歌新闻中获取你的文章列表。

Compatible with caching solutions like CloudFlare, WP Super Cache, W3 Total Cache and Quick Cache that cache feeds, allowing a faster serving to the impatient (when hungry) spider.


  1. 如果你不使用友好链接(Fancy URL)或你的 WordPress 安装在一个子目录中,则动态 Robots.txt 文件将不会生成。你必须自行创建并自行上传一个 Robots.txt 文件到你的网站的根目录中。详情请参阅 FAQ。

  2. 对于大型站点,我们建议你使用一款优秀的缓存插件,例如 WP Super CacheQuick CacheW3 Total Cache来提升你的网站站点地图的性能。


  • 对使用 PolylangWPML 的网站进行兼容,可以平等地收录并索引每一种语言的内容。
  • 该选项用以增加新的 Robots.txt 规则。这些规则可以用来进行进一步控制(阅读:限制)站点各部分的索引,以及您站点页面在后续传播中的页面等级(PageRank)。
  • 包含 XLS 样式表,使站点地图更加易读。
  • Sitemap templates and stylesheets can be overridden by theme template files.

XML 站点地图

  • Sitemap Index includes posts, pages and authors by default.
  • Optionally include sitemaps for custom post types, categories and tags.
  • 可自定义 URL 的站点地图。
  • 可添加静态或自定义站点地图到索引中。
  • 工作出色,甚至在多站点安装环境中亦可顺畅运行。
  • Include featured images or attached images with title.
  • 当新文章发表时通知(Ping)Google、Bing 与 Yahoo。
  • Options to define which post types and taxonomies get included in the sitemap.
  • 在文章发生了修改,或有了新评论时,更新 LastMod。
  • 为每篇文章、每个分类或是每种文章类型设置优先级。
  • 排除独立文章或页面。


  • Required news sitemap tags: Publication name, language, title and publication date.
  • Set a News Publication Name or uses site name.
  • Supports custom post types.
  • Limit inclusion to certain post categories.
  • Pings Google on new publications, once per 5 minutes.

Pro Features

Google News Advanced

  • Multiple post types – Include more than one post type in the same News Sitemap.
  • Keywords – Add the keywords tag to your News Sitemap. Keywords can be created from Tags, Categories or a dedicated Keywords taxonomy.
  • Stock tickers – Add stock tickers tag to your News Sitemap. A dedicated Stock Tickers taxonomy will be available to manage them.
  • Ping log – Keep a log of the latest pings to Google with exact date and response status.

隐私政策 / GDPR

本插件不会收集任何用户或来访者数据,也不会配置浏览器 Cookies。使用本插件不会在任何方面对你的网站的隐私政策造成影响。


An XML Sitemap index, referencing other sitemaps containing your web site’s public post URLs of selected post types that are already public, along with their last modification date and associated image URLs, and any selected public archive URLs.

A Google News Sitemap containing your web site’s public and recent (last 48 hours) URLs of selected news post type, along with their publication time stamp and associated image URL.
An author sitemap can be included, which will contain links to author archive pages. These urls contain author/user slugs, and the author archives can contain author bio information. If you wish to keep this out of public domain, then deactivate the author sitemap and use an SEO plugin to add noindex headers.





如果您有意与我们一同完善本插件,欢迎您帮助我们将插件翻译成您的语言,或是在 Github 上贡献代码。


XML Sitemap Feed(现 XML Sitemap & Google News)插件最初基于由 Patrick Chia 编写的 Standard XML Sitemap Generator 插件进行开发。自那时以来,本插件已历经完全重构并在多个方面有所扩展。



2024-09-08 08:11:58
